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Somatic Body Mapping 

Your bodily felt senses matter.

Your body matters. 

Your feelings matter. 


What is it?

Somatic Body Mapping Intensive (SBMI) is a two-day holistic embodied process for professionals, followed by a post-SBMI reflective practice. SBMI is a safe, respectful, and gently paced process that encourages you to engage with your body sensations, movement, feelings, and creativity. It is a space to slow down and attend to inner sensations in your body. 

You will be creating a body-size map, using various art and organic materials that assist to express yourself. It is explorative, experiential, playful, and sometimes risk-taking. We gather in a circle where we speak, share, witness and listen to each other. You require no experience or skills in artmaking and movements. It does not aim to create a 'nice piece of artwork'. 

Professional Development 

Somatic interventions can be introduced to clients only when  you as a practitioner are comfortable with your own body. This CPD is not only for a personal development but I frame this as a professional development space to equip you with practical skills. In this process, I employ the practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy approach, Authentic Movement and dance movement psychotherapy, and the theoretical underpinnings of attachment relationships and an infant's early development.

In a post-SBMI reflective practice (facilitated either in-person or online for 2 hours within a week of the intensive), I offer a space for participants to reflect on how they can incorporate newly developed somatic awareness in their practice and strengthen their clinical understanding. You will be provided with readings about SBM and guided to reflect on the process, facilitation, and theories behind the process. Please note the post-SBMI reflective practice is not training to become an SBM practitioner but to strengthen your clinical skills. 



Intensive CPD 

2 Full days + a 2-hour reflective practice

(A total of 14 hour- CPD) 


Individual Sessions 

You may like to explore your journey through SBM instead of committing to individual therapy.

Somatic Body Mapping

During the pregnancy, we experience all sorts of emotions and physical changes. Explore creatively those changes through SBM. 


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