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Green Reflection


Click the Expression of Interest Form here.

Title: A study of bodily impacts on foster/adoptive parents within their attachment relationships with their children who live with preverbal trauma

The Aim of the Research

This research aims to find out how foster/adoptive parents who foster/adopt children with preverbal trauma backgrounds have been experiencing their parenthood bodily with their children at home, school, or any other social settings. I aim to bring foster/adoptive parents’ lived experiences to a voice and impacts on their bodies into the research field of creative arts psychotherapies. This inquiry will provide the basis for a future field study of fostered / adopted children in a creative therapy session and perhaps influence the provisions of the policy or/and system.

Eligibility for Participating in the Research

  • You are a foster parent or adoptive parent.

  • Your child has a history of preverbal trauma (trauma that occurs between 0 and 3).

  • You fostered/adopted your child(ren) when they were between 3 and 6

  • Your fostered/adoptive child(ren) do(es) not live with their biological parents

What is involved in the research for participants;

  • As a research participant, you will be invited to an in-person interview with me at a prearranged time and place that is convenient to you.

  • Before the interview begins, we will go through the information sheet and consent form with you and answer any questions you may have. If you agree to participate, I will ask you to declare your consent verbally and sign the consent form and return it to me.

  • We will record a 45-minute interview. The whole duration of the process will last approximately 60 minutes.

  • During the interview, you will be prompted to speak about your lived experience as foster/adoptive parents and our focus is bodily felt senses in your fostering/adoption experience. Please note that you can stop the interview at any time if you wish to do so without explaining any reason.

  • The interview is scheduled between September and October 2024.

What you are provided with

  • Travelling expenses if the interview takes place at a place you have to travel to. ($0.88 p/k)

  • A Voucher ($50)

  • Child Care Cost if required for your children to be looked after (During the interview and Focus Group)



Confidentiality will be maintained in relation to the interview content. Once transcribed, recordings will be erased. Transcriptions will have no identifying details and will be stored in password-protected files, to be deleted after 7 years. Any information that might identify you as a participant will be anonymised; that is all names and identifying features will be changed.

Place for Interviews

  • At your home where confidentiality can be ensured or

  • At my private practice space in Belair (Coach House, 13 Laffers Road, Belair 5041) – either Wednesday or Thursday upon the availability of the space

Click the Information Sheet here for the complete information. 

If you are interested in taking part in this study, please send me your Expression of Interest. Click here

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