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Writer's pictureMioi Forster-Nakayama

Newsletter No.14 – New Year, New Projects

Happy 2021! I hope you all had the peaceful and restful Christmas and new year celebrations wherever in the world you are. It has been hot and cool in Adelaide for the past few weeks as summer has arrived. Fortunately, South Australia has experienced the ease on the covid-related restrictions before Christmas while we live in a fear of lockdown situation at any time if any cluster may happen again. We are certainly living in an uncertain time. In this first newsletter of this year, I would like to announce my upcoming brand-new workshop in Adelaide as well as my other plans.

Now I am so ready to start working again after over a year of maternity leave. As a clinical practitioner, it is so significant to keep up our practice continuously. Although my second child has just reached one year old, I would like to work part-time as a dance/movement psychotherapist. In fact, since November 2020, I started to work for an arts therapy organisation in North Adelaide and have been seeing a few child and adult clients. Since then, I am back to see my supervisors and therapist from the UK, juggling the time difference. It feels wonderful to go back to practice, but at the same time it is scary. Work is challenging in many perspectives. It seems I am an only dance/movement psychotherapist in Adelaide (it also means I feel quite isolated) and dance therapy is unfortunately not much known. Therefore, there is so much to be done! My focus of this year’s work is to advocate dance therapy and set up private practice.

As part of my advocacy work, I am very delighted to announce a new workshop “Body Mapping – Welcoming a New Year, New Season”. This workshop offers you an insightful body-based creative exploration about yourself in a safe, non-judgemental environment. I am collaborating with a trauma-informed psychotherapist with an artist background, Vanessa Daughtry and we hope to see you in the workshop. It is regrettable that people from the other states or countries may not be able to travel to participate, but we hope to offer an opportunity seasonably. Please read more about the workshop. You can also get a glimpse of body mapping here.

As part of advocacy, I am planning to offer taster sessions of dance therapy in Adelaide. I would like to provide a space with people to experience movement in their authentic way. I also put up my hand at the Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia to investigate how dance therapy can be recognised by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) which is the biggest government funding scheme of Australia for therapeutic services. Another project I am planning is that I have received a funding from the Japan Dance Therapy Association to start a movement therapy group for mothers and babies of Adelaide. As I am sharing this, I am so excited and feel like dancing!

As we continue to live with virus, let us be kind to ourselves and others. I hope you are keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. We are in different boats, but in the same storm which is profound. Thank you for reading my newsletter. I appreciate your comments, feedback and suggestions to me (!

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ニュースレター No.14 – 新しい年、新しいプロジェクト



 啓発の仕事の一つとして、新しいワークショップを発表できることを嬉しく思う。それは、アデレード市で今月末に企画をしている、【ボディマップ‐新しい年、新しい季節を迎えて】だ。このワークショップでは、安心して誰からも判断されることのない環境の中で、自分について理解をするボディベースの探求といえよう。アーティストルーツを持つ、トラウマ専門の心理療法士であるバネッサドートリーとコラボレーションを行う。残念なことに、コロナ禍の中では、他州や国を超えての参加は難しい。しかし、今後季節ごとにこのボディマップのワークショップをオファーしていくため、コロナが落ち着いてまた自由に移動ができるようになったら他の場所からの参加ができるであろう。詳しくはこちらから(英語the workshop)。ボディマップを説明したビデオもご覧いただきたい。

 さらに、啓発の一環として、アデレード市でダンスセラピーのお試し体験ができる機会を設けたいと思っている。自分に忠実である動きができる機会と場所を人々に提供したいと思っている。また、オーストラリアにはNDIS(the National Disability Insurance Scheme)という政府の政策があり、障害を持つ人にセラピーのサービスが受けることができるよう、資金を提供している。しかし、残念なことにNDISはダンスセラピーを認識していないため、サービスの一環に含まれず、つまりはダンスセラピストはプロとしてオファーできる立場にあるにも関わらず、仕事の機会から外れてしまっている。よって、オーストラリアダンスセラピー協会(the Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia) を通して、政府に働きかけるために自分なりの努力をしてみたいと思っている。また、日本ダンスセラピー協会から、「ダンスセラピスト地域派遣助成金」が昨年末に助成されることが決まり、アデレード市で保護者と赤ちゃんたちのムーブメントグループを始めることを企画している。ここでシェアをしながら、だんだん気持ちが盛り上がってきて今ダンスをしたい気分だ!



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